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Real Freedom


You will never really be free until you are financially independent of the need to work for a living; free of the nine to five rat race.


Imagine for a moment what that level of personal freedom might feel like and what it would mean to you, personally.


Eventually, most of us will be forced to wean ourselves from paid employment.


Some of us even daydream of the day we take the gold watch and ride off into the sunset of retirement. But the fact is that in our society today few of us are saving enough to maintain our lifestyle into our golden years.


If we can’t accomplish the goal of financial independence in forty or fifty years of paid employment, how can anyone expect to do so in any shorter a span of time?


Well, the failure to achieve financial independence by the usual age of retirement is usually simply a failure of adequate planning and reaching financial independence before you turn age 62, 65 or at any age, for that matter, is simply a matter of having a plan to do so.


Most people don’t have a plan to achieve financial independence, not at 62 and not at 65, not at any age, not ever.


Most people will never even stop to think and consider financial independence as a viable option to working for a living.


It is almost as if, as a society, we have blinders on in this regard or that we suffer from a group-think that tells us that the only way to pay your way is to trade your time for money.


There is another way and that is to put your money to work for you.

Basic text on buy and hold and hold!

Buy & Hold 2004-2005: 7 Steps to a Real Estate Fortune
David, Ph.D Schumacher  More Info

Back To The Future


The fact is that work as we define it today, as jobs we report to where we put in our time in return for pay, is a relatively new concept. At the turn of the century the vast majority of Americans were self-employed; most of those as farmers.


We were a nation of self-reliant individuals. We have become a people who owe our souls to the company store.


Perhaps it is time to go back to the future and become self-reliant, again.

This book explains how real estate produces huge returns!

The Income Stream
Robert M. Goodman  More Info

Another to get you thinking...

Perpetual Income: How-to Generate Cash Flow from Low-End House Investments
Bryan Wittenmyer  More Info

Dated but this is the basic plan!

Financial Independence Through Buying and Investing in Single Family Homes
David J. Grzesiek  More Info