Financial Independence


A Guide to
The Sweat-Equity IRA
It’s tough just to keep up, isn’t it?  Surveys reveal that most of us live paycheck to paycheck. In fact, the latest figures tell us that the average American family spends 102% of its income!

            The ticking-time bomb that lies hidden in that statistic is the fact that most of us simply don’t have any money to save for our retirement. Those of us who do manage to save even a little know it’s not enough, not when it’s not even earning enough interest to keep up with inflation.


            Of course, you can put your savings in the stock market. In fact, some would even lead you to believe that there is no alternative. But what about those of us who just aren’t comfortable with the wild ride in the stock market?


            What’s a person to do?


            It seems like there’s just no middle ground, no way to turn your savings into a secure nest egg for our retirement. At least that’s what I thought, before I figured out a simple way to turn my modest savings into financial security. I call my plan, “The Sweat-Equity IRA.”

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